She loves her mini tea set from Grandma Crowley!
Rod took Lizzie to the store and bought her flowers when he came home from work tonight. She wore her pink boots in honor of the event!
Caitlin was happy to help Lizzie in any way possible! Lizzie was very nice and let Caitlin take the ribbon off her presents. She loved opening her presents!
She had two parties- her many friends came over yesterday and we did the "friend" party then. Today, being her real birthday, we had our family party. We celebrated with homemade mac-n-cheese, peas, honeydew, and hot dogs! A true 4-year-old feast!
Then we go around the table and say what we love about Lizzie. Then we watch the "Lizzie show"- a slideshow I made for each girl after they turned 1 of their first year of life. Then presents, then cake! But having two parties- it's more like cake remnant. Lizzie didn't seem to mind.
It was a little tough for Caitlin watching Lizzie get all the attention over the past two days. But losing (and swallowing!) her tooth was very exciting for her! She loved waking up to find 3 quarters and some fairy dust where her note "Dear tooth fairy, I swallowed my tooth. Love, Caitlin" had been!
Happy birthday Lizzie! It's amazing the girls already look bigger than when I saw them at Christmas. It's hilarious, Lynnea "calls" Caitlin and Lizzie all the time and has pretend conversations with them. I'll hear her talking in another room and when I go in she tells me she's on the phone with Caitlin or Lizzie, or both. She misses you guys! So do I!
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