Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Happy Birthday NATHAN, ROD, GARRETT, and MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post pictures of your birthday person!!!!! Rod's mine, so here he is.....

Rod is fun, funny, crazy talented, hard working, and my bestest friend. He never toots his own horn (even when I tell him he should), is thoughtful and considerate, always rinses dishes, and is an amazing dad to his girls.
He loves to eat plain parmesan cheese, is an Excel spreadsheet master, and never, ever burns his marshmallows when making s'mores.
I love you!!!
Happy Birthday Rod!!!
Why do YOU think Rod is awesome???

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

visit from Erika & Cosette!

Firepower! Rod and I went biking at Bootleg Canyon here in Vegas this past weekend. It was a fun date!...Although Rod had to do a lot of waiting for me...

Abby at Red Rock.

Me on a teeter totter at Bootleg. Rod made me do it.

When we were at Red Rock with Cosette, their was someone tightroping across! I guess it's a new sport...seems a little crazy if you ask me!
Red Rock was a stop on our list of things to do with Cosette & Erika. Here's me & Abby at Red Rock.

This is NOT snot! It's gluey stuff from the project Lani sent out for the girls! But doesn't it look great?

The girls really enjoyed doing their project from Grandma! Thanks Lani!

Cosette sleeping with Abby! Aren't those baby feet ADORABLE???

One of two water intake towers at the Hoover Dam. I like this picture Rod took.

Savers (an awesome thrift store) may have been the weekend high! I found these great clip on earrings there, and Lizzie lived it up!

Outfits the girls LOVE from Grandma! Don't be fooled by Lizzie's face, she's our somber child and usually looks like this in pictures! She wanted to wear hers to bed tonight....

Erika at Red Rock

Erika and the Lizinator. Rod and I decided we need to have an 11 year old next. Erika was so helpful and sweet to the girls!

We went to this thing called Pet-apalooza. We saw the band Barenaked Ladies perform, a cool dog tricks show, and lots of different dogs and pets (one person had a pygmy goat on a leash!).

Cousins at Hoover Dam!

Cosette at Petapalooza

Inspired by a group of old oriental ladies, Cosette showed them up! This is her tai-chi at Red rock!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter in VA

I hope everyone had a good are some pictures from the festivities in VA. We met for brunch at Mom and Dad's followed by an egg hunt and some games. Good times!!

Jordan 6 months

Here is Jordan's 6 month update...

Height 26.25 inches (47%)
Weight 15 lbs, 13 ozs (22%)
Head 17.5 inches (73%)

His latest achievements are rolling, and scooting. He really can get moving! He's also sitting up better and had very strong legs. Jordan is full of smiles and giggles and absolutely LOVES his jumper...YAY for us!!! : )

He's sleeping in his own room in his crib now and usually sleeps solid through the night. Hooray!! No teeth yet, but it probably wont be long. He drools like crazy and chews on everything! He's also still got his amazingly blue eyes...hopefully he'll keep them for good!!!

To The Ladies...

Right now I am reading Sheri Dew's book, No Doubt About It. This passage is a great reminder to me of the type of woman and mother I want to be. Hopefully you like it too.

"From the adversary's point of view, we are dangerous. Righteous women dedicated to the Lord and united in the cause of goodness threathen Satan's work. Of course he would target and attempt to deceive us, women who have a clear understanding of who we are. For we are not ordinary women.

"We know that we are beloved spirit daughters of heavenly parents, and that our lives have meaning, purpose, and direction, as the Relief Society Declaration asserts. We are women who seek to hear the voice of the Lord. We are women dedicated to strengthening our marriages, families, and homes; women whose covenants and influence span generations; women who are not easily deceived; women of faith, virtue, vision, and charity - not to mention integrity and purity. We are women who understand that to qualify for eternal life, we must deal with a full range of difficulty and disappointment here. We are free to choose how we live, where we spend our temporal, emotional, and spiritual resources, and to what and whom we devote ourselves."