Friday, April 25, 2008

Our 35th Wedding Anniversary

Robert & I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary on April 18, 2008. We went to a international dinner & dance. It is called the Azalea Festival here in Virginia. "Miss Azalea" was from The Netherlands this year - and there was a "princess" also from each of the NATO countries. It was fun to dress up. Tiffany did my hair, and Kim was down from DC to see us off. When we arrived at the Sheraton at Waterside, there were lots of people standing outside watching those dressed in formal attire get out of the cars. I felt like we were on the red carpet for a moment with all the onlookers. Many of the men wore their dress uniforms. It was fun to see uniforms from different places in the world. The Azalea festival honors one of the NATO countries each year. This year was Netherlands, last year was England. This is our first year of involvement and we did enjoy it. WOW - 35 Years!!! And we're still going strong!!!
(I tried to put up two pictures - one up close and one farther away. It looks like only one came up. - Notice our beautiful cherry tree in full blossom. It only lasted a couple of days before the rains came and caused the blossoms to fall.)


Tiffany said...

You guys looked GREAT!!

Leticia said...

Sounds like a fun anniversary celebration! I love the cherry tree! :-)