Thursday, December 18, 2008

It snowed here! It snowed around town earlier in the week, with some places getting 5-ish inches and it sticking. We're one of the lowest parts of town, so we didn't see snow then- but yesterday we did! It snowed for awhile and flurries stuck for a little bit, until it rained that night. I bundled up the girls and sent them out as fast as I could! They loved it for about about 15 minutes, then they were freezing. Little desert weenies.
Anyway, the funny part is that today was a snow day for the schools! And it was blue skies and sunny- no snow on our part of town whatsoever, though in other places there were a few inches of snow. But really, a snow day for a few inches??

Demonstrating the true craziness of the weather, Monday the girls picked the corn they planted a few months ago (and they got to eat it for dinner!). It was just little 4" or so corn, but it was fun watching them husk it and be so excited about cooking and eating it. So Monday was harvest, Wednesday was snow. Seriously, how often can you take a picture of freshly harvested corn in front of a Christmas tree?


Tiffany said...

That is so cool! I saw on the news that you guys got snow; I was shocked!!
Congrats on the corn harvest - nicely done!!

Leticia said...

I love the corn!! Your girls are so cute!